Standing Up Against Workplace Sexual Harassment

The current EU definition of sexual harassment set out in the 2006 Equal Treatment Directive (2006/54/EC) is: “where any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occurs, with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment”.

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Helping Domestic Violence Victims

The effects of domestic abuse extend to the society and is not just something that affects the individual or family members involved. Children who witness violence in their homes are at a higher risk of developing problems with their behaviour as they get older, these problems include anger, anxiety and other mental health issues.

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Preventing Child Labour

Conversation with the parents of child labourers. If you know of any parent forcing his/her child into child labour in your vicinity, talk to him/her and inform about how child labour can jeopardize their child’s future.

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